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A Different World (Composition #2)

Theme: Here's a chance to make it, if we focus on our goals. If you dish it, we can take it. Just remember you've been told. It's a different world...


* Meaningful relationships...

* Our aspirations...

* The task at hand...

Greetings everyone and welcome back to Efforts of Harmony - the virtual headquarters for "Success 4 the Future". This is a great time to go ahead and subscribe to our site if you haven't already. Thanks in advance!

So, if you're an 80's baby, one of your favorite shows growing up was more than likely 'A Different World' - I know for sure, I loved it as a youngster. I actually still watch it today. As a child, this show exposed to me an element of culture that I was proud of. It catered to the ideals of love, education, family and friends, politics, the workforce, happenings in society, and the joys and pains that came with independence and responsibility. Regardless of what the topic was, the show used comedy to tell a meaningful story.

If you've ever had a conversation with someone who is financially successful, they probably shared with you that life was more about who you know rather than what you know. We witness this when people get promotions because of their connection with the person or people in position of power rather than getting the promotion because of their skills and abilities. This is why it is so important to work well with others. What kind of relationships are you creating? What kind of relationships are you destroying? Are you preserving the beneficial relationships that you are currently in? I have learned that no major task can be accomplished on your own. Be sure that you are developing worthwhile connections with people. This is how we will do amazing things in life.

Kids today, unfortunately don't have shows like 'A Different World' to look up to. Most of what they are exposed to deals with entertainment, popularity, and finding some quick way to get rich. So instead of young people aspiring to be world changers or leaders in their communities, most of them would rather live a lifestyle of fame and develop some scheme to make a lot of money in a short amount of time. Kids that are products of high poverty areas tend to lean more towards illegal activities to obtain success. We must be able to expose our young people to opportunities that will lead them to positive prosperity. "Success 4 the Future" teaches young people that they are born with unique qualities that they can use to survive and live a comfortable, satisfactory life. I challenge everyone to be that great example, because when young people have a platform to do better, they will be better.

I am confident that the near future of humanity will be far greater than what we have been experiencing throughout the international community. But, that is solely dependent on what we offer our young people. They are the future parents, educators, policymakers, public officials, mentors, and civic activists. Help make that difference with your actions. Build people up instead of tearing them down. Go the extra mile and make sacrifices for people in need. And most importantly put love above hate in all that you do!

There's a different world out there, one of peace, unity, and great achievement. How long before you make the necessary contribution to society for this to come into fruition? I believe in you. We are capable of great things! So go forth and make the world a better place! God bless!

- Reggie

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